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Leading applied research in science, engineering, and innovation

Study in the Start-Up Nation

Vibrant entrepreneurial environment

Angela Josipa Krčelić
2018, Laval Social Media Marketing Solutions, Founder

Moving to Zagreb and attending RIT Croatia was truly the best decision that I have made in regards to my studies. RIT gives its students a great benefit that places them at a higher rank when they are done with college due to their co-op program. This program makes it mandatory for students to have experience in their field of study by the time they receive their diploma.

Izet Ždralović
2003, MicroBlink Ltd., Cofounder

RIT is an amazing stepping stone into the world of business because students are being taught about professional work habits and practical experience in innovative and creative ways. The job offers that I received before the end of my studies from three different industries show the scope of the program and the value of the practical knowledge we gain before graduating.

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